EnricoMaria Ferrari's
No news, good news
04 May 2024 Ultimo aggiornamento:08 November 2005
Notizie d'agenzia, e di giornali locali, belle fresche, vere. Difficile che le vediate stampate o diffuse. Troppo stupide, inutili, senza interesse. Anche tragiche, ma sempre divertenti. Le metto qui in questo blog, anzichč scriverci, come si fa negli altri logorroici ed autoreferenziali blog, frustrazioni e gioie personali, contenti che almeno uno, te stesso, ti pubblichi. Chi legge un blog č colui che ancora non ne ha realizzato uno.
Per ora.
martedě, novembre 08, 2005

Busted with 25 iPods
(Icelandreview) It is common that Icelanders returning from the US have purchased more than customs permit them to bring into the country. Recently, a man tried to get through customs with 25 iPods reports Morgunbladid.
Icelanders are only allowed to purchase ISK 46,000 worth of merchandise abroad without paying duty. When the total purchases exceed ISK 46,000 the individual must declare the goods and pay import duties and value added tax. According to Kári Gunnlaugsson, an official with the Customs Office at Keflavik Airport, people that go through the green [nothing to declare] gate and are randomly chosen for customs inspection are often given the benefit of he doubt. But when someone has a lot of luggage or is carrying large objects such as lap tops it becomes evident that they have exceeded the limits. The goods are then confiscated and the person in question is fined.

- Enrico, 9:57 AM-

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