EnricoMaria Ferrari's
No news, good news
03 May 2024 Ultimo aggiornamento:16 November 2005
Notizie d'agenzia, e di giornali locali, belle fresche, vere. Difficile che le vediate stampate o diffuse. Troppo stupide, inutili, senza interesse. Anche tragiche, ma sempre divertenti. Le metto qui in questo blog, anzichè scriverci, come si fa negli altri logorroici ed autoreferenziali blog, frustrazioni e gioie personali, contenti che almeno uno, te stesso, ti pubblichi. Chi legge un blog è colui che ancora non ne ha realizzato uno.
Per ora.
mercoledì, novembre 16, 2005

Ants eat away woman's eye in hospital
KOLKATA, India (Reuters) - A woman receiving treatment for diabetes at a state-run hospital in eastern India lost one of her eyes after ants nibbled away at it, officials said on Tuesday.The patient recovering from a post-surgery infection shrieked for help as the ants attacked her on Sunday night, but nurses told her it was normal to feel pain from the infection. On Monday, the patient's family saw a gaping hole with swarming ants in it when they lifted the bandage on her left eye. Authorities of the Sambhunath Hospital in Kolkata said they were probing the incident. "It's not uncommon for ants to attack diabetic patients. We have set up a committee to investigate the unfortunate incident," hospital superintendent A. Adhikary said. Scampering rats and stray cats and dogs sharing bed space with patients are not uncommon sights at India's overcrowded state-run hospitals that are used by millions of poor and middle-class people

- Enrico, 12:26 PM-

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