EnricoMaria Ferrari's
No news, good news
30 April 2024 Ultimo aggiornamento:18 October 2005
Notizie d'agenzia, e di giornali locali, belle fresche, vere. Difficile che le vediate stampate o diffuse. Troppo stupide, inutili, senza interesse. Anche tragiche, ma sempre divertenti. Le metto qui in questo blog, anzichè scriverci, come si fa negli altri logorroici ed autoreferenziali blog, frustrazioni e gioie personali, contenti che almeno uno, te stesso, ti pubblichi. Chi legge un blog è colui che ancora non ne ha realizzato uno.
Per ora.
lunedì, novembre 04, 2002

Chefs say human thigh bones add extra taste to dishes
Some Ecuadorian chefs use human thigh bones to add extra taste to their dishes and attract customers, according to an investigation by a local newspaper.Newspaper Extra has sparked a scandal by interviewing restaurant and café owners who admit to cooking with bones taken from cemeteries. Chef Carlos Acosta has told Extra he has cooked with the leg bones, known as femurs, for 40 years and that many of his colleagues do the same. He said the best way was to leave a femur in a soup or stew for half an hour. "Just before serving it, it's good to put the bone back in briefly to give it a final touch," he said. Mr Acosta says the femur adds a special taste to food and has brought him lots of customers. He says the same bone could be used for months if it is kept properly.The Ecuadorian authorities have pledged to investigate the practice. A woman from the capital Quito has recently been charged with using human bones in her restaurant. (Ananova)

- Enrico, 12:18 PM-


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